Collector Preview: New Queen Elizabeth II Golden Years 1/2 Pint Mug

Following the release of a collection of spongeware pottery that pays homage to the life and reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and the announcement of the launch of our new 'Queen and Countrywoman' 1/2 Pint Mug, we are pleased to also be launching an additional 1/2 Pint Mug on Monday, our 'Queen Elizabeth II Golden Years' 1/2 Pint Mug. This will be offered to Collectors first.

The design of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Years mug remembers and treasures some of the most magical happenings during Her Majesty’s reign

Straight from the kilns at our Factory in Stoke-on-Trent, Collectors will be able to shop both new mugs on Monday 24th October online between 8am-9am.